

Forwarding as received: PIA dossier :

Forwarding as received:
PIA dossier :

A PIA employee who is personally known to my family gave the TEST for his son for PIA engineering job.
The boy had failed his Matric exams several times and was a complete failure and mess in life. No education, no degrees and no experience.
The boy now is a Airplane Engineer in PIA.

The same man & his brother got other relatives in also the same way in PIA Engineering. Engineering department checks the aircraft for fitness & maintenance etc.

*Capt Ishtiaq Qureshi alias ISHTI* failed in Matric. Was mentally sick and had undergone Electric Shocks. He failed the medical test of PIA medical board. 
No flying experience, all educational and Flying degrees FAKE. He became a Pilot (Capt) in PIA after bribing CHAIRMAN and other Directors of PIA. Use to provide them with booze, expensive gifts and his wife too.
After he became a pilot, he use to smuggle goods and sell them to shopkeepers at Gul Plaza.

*Capt Zarak Khan* brother of actress Marina Khan, son of Nawabzada Air Vice Marshal Rehmat Khan was found mentally NOT stable and fit, FAILED by PIA medical board headed by Doctor Khalid Kureishi.
Inspite Of this grave medical report Zarak Khan was given a job as a pilot in PIA by his father’s best friend and neighbor Air Marshal Azim Daudpota.
By the way, his father Rehmat Khan, sat in the PIA entrance exam and gave the exam on behalf of his son Zarak Khan.

I cannot understand the sic and pathetic mentality of Pakistani people for being angry at the Minister for speaking the truth.
Pakistani’s do you want the truth to be hidden so such imbeciles, crooks & incompetent people should keep flying planes crashing and keep murdering innocent people !?

Then I pray to Allah that all the people defending PIA, saying it is a conspiracy against PIA and lambasting the honest Minister are on Board the next Pakistani airline that crashes! Aameen ! Summa Aameen !  

Please forward this message if you want this country and PIA in particular to run honestly and safely.
Please forward this message if you have any decency in you and you want this country to change for the good.

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