August 23, 2020

Top Headlines

Digital Content on Track to Equal Half 'Earth's Mass' by 2245

 As we use resources to power massive computer farms and process digital information, our technological progress is redistributing Earth's matter from physical atoms to digital information. ...

Implantable Transmitter Provides Wireless Option for Biomedical Devices

 Engineers have developed a fully implantable radio-frequency transmitter chip for wireless sensor nodes and biomedical ...

Adding Noise for Completely Secure Communication

 How can we protect communications against 'eavesdropping' if we don't trust the devices used in the process? This is one of the main questions in quantum cryptography research. Researchers have now ...

Using Sound and Light to Generate Ultra-Fast Data Transfer

 Researchers have made a breakthrough in the control of terahertz quantum cascade lasers, which could lead to the transmission of data at the rate of 100 gigabits per second -- around one thousand ...
Latest Headlines
updated 10:32am EDT

Earlier Headlines

What Violin Synchronization Can Teach Us About Better Networking in Complex Times

 A new study suggests by using a model of violin synchronization in a network of violin players, there are ways to drown out distractions and miscommunications that could be used as a model for human ...

No Association Found Between Exposure to Mobile Devices and Brain Volume Alterations in Adolescents

 A new study of 2,500 Dutch children is the first to explore the relationship between brain volume and different doses of radiofrequency electromagnetic ...

Strainoptronics: A New Way to Control Photons

 Researchers discovered a new way to engineer optoelectronic devices by stretching a two-dimensional material on top of a silicon photonic ...

Researchers Solve 'Link Discovery' Problem for Terahertz Data Networks

 A team of researchers has demonstrated a way to help devices to find each other in the ultra-fast terahertz data networks of the ...

Photonic Microwave Generation Using on-Chip Optical Frequency Combs

 Using integrated photonic chips, scientists have demonstrated laser-based microwave generators. These microwave signals, as well as their optical carriers, could be used in radars, satellite ...

Quantum Entanglement Offers Unprecedented Precision for GPS, Imaging and Beyond

 Engineers have demonstrated for the first time that it's possible to connect a network of sensors through quantum entanglement. The experiment opens a door to unprecedented levels of sensitivity ...

Low-Cost Imaging System Poised to Provide Automatic Mosquito Tracking

 Mosquito-transmitted diseases such as malaria, dengue and yellow fever are responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths every year. A new low-cost imaging system could make it easier to track ...

Smartphone Videos Produce Highly Realistic 3D Face Reconstructions

 Normally, it takes pricey equipment and expertise to create an accurate 3D reconstruction of someone's face. Now, researchers have pulled off the feat using video recorded on an ordinary ...

Quantum-Entangled Light from a Vibrating Membrane

 Researchers recently entangled two laser beams through bouncing them off the same mechanical resonator, a tensioned membrane. This provides a novel way of entangling disparate electromagnetic fields, ...

Tiny Optical Cavity Could Make Quantum Networks Possible

 Engineers have shown that atoms in optical cavities could be foundational to the creation of a quantum ...

Physicist Develops New Photon Source for Tap-Proof Communication

 An international team has developed a new method for generating quantum-entangled photons in a spectral range of light that was previously inaccessible. The discovery can make the encryption of ...

Scientists Create Quantum Sensor That Covers Entire Radio Frequency Spectrum

 A quantum sensor could give Soldiers a way to detect communication signals over the entire radio frequency spectrum, from 0 to 100 GHz, said ...

Chip-Based Devices Improve Practicality of Quantum-Secured Communication

 Researchers have demonstrated new chip-based devices that contain all the optical components necessary for quantum key distribution while increasing real-world security. The fast and cost-effective ...

Long-Distance Fiber Link Poised to Create Powerful Networks of Optical Clocks

 An academic-industrial team in Japan has connected three laboratories in a 100-kilometer region with an optical telecommunications fiber network stable enough to remotely interrogate optical atomic ...

Corn Productivity in Real Time: Satellites, Field Cameras, and Farmers Team Up

 Scientists have developed a new, scalable method for estimating crop productivity in real time. The research combines field measurements, a unique in-field camera network, and high-resolution, ...

New Type of Indoor Solar Cells for Smart Connected Devices

 In a future where most things in our everyday life are connected through the internet, devices and sensors will need to run without wires or batteries. Researchers present a new type of ...

New Way to Control the Phase of Light Using 2D Materials

 Physicists have announced that they have discovered a new way to control the phase of light using 2D materials -- atomically thin materials 1/100,000 the size of a human hair -- without changing its ...

Having an Eye for Colors: Printable Light Sensors

 Cameras, light barriers, and movement sensors have one thing in common: they work with light sensors that are already found in many applications. In future, these sensors might also play an important ...

Mixed-Signal Hardware Security Thwarts Powerful Electromagnetic Attacks

 A team has developed technology to use mixed-signal circuits to embed critical information that is suppressed at a lower ...

Moving Precision Communication, Metrology, Quantum Applications from Lab to Chip

 Photonic integration has focused on communications applications traditionally fabricated on silicon chips, because these are less expensive and more easily manufactured, and researchers are exploring ...

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