Those  peoples are committing such heinous acts. They are regrettable and shameful.Islam Does not Allow to insult any religion or Religious person so we aspects Others Religion should Respect Islam and Reviews theirs Neglected And Against Islam Action. 

Those  peoples are committing such heinous acts. They are regrettable and shameful. The world is afraid of the spread of Islam and its legitimacy.  People will not be seduced by those who adhere to the teachings of Allah and His beloved Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him) and the Shari'ah.  Believers have all kinds of difficulties in the world for them. Allah has instructed them to face them with patience.  Now the time has come for these non-Muslims to repent after studying the Qur'an and some personal observations and to enter the religion of Islam. And against such opponents who are working against the religion of Islam.  Allah's curse is on them, but the spit does not go up to the sky  but it comes back to the mouths of those who spit.

We should Respect each other's if the some peoples having the issues with them if they are Muslim but They involved in Non Islamic or hateful activities 

They did the crime and they are not following Islamic teaching, 
Now the world should draw the red line between the Loving Muslim and Extremists Extremism is not the part of Islam , Islam says when the enemies hurting you or killing you, or disgracing of Islam ,or Muslim Holly PROPHET HAZRAT MUHAMMAD peace be upon him As he is a Last Holly PROPHET  or our respectable places or respectable personalities  then It's allow to took revange with opponent and enemies 
I think so this message will be taken peacefully and manners fully For all religions 

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